Experienced and versatile graphic designer, layout artist, and art director in various fields
(international medical events, cosmetic packaging, sports marketing, luxury POS displays),
I have mastered a wide range of communication mediums.
What I love most about my profession is having gained skills that are suited to different industries:
cosmetics, haircare, medicine, sports, and more!
Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign and Acrobat are my day to day life.
I use Dreamweaver to design web materials with HTML and CSS code.
Whenever I have time on my hands,
I teach myself After Effects.
I learned the basics of 3D modeling
with 3DS Max when working for an advertising agency specializing in designing luxury in-store displays.
French is my native language.
Graphic designs, cosmetics packaging
Photo retouching,
layout & production follow-up
for the bi-annual Biguine Magazine
Institutional & PR brochures
Layouts & Illustrations for tender calls
and sponsoring documents
Emailings, newsletters
Visual identities for international
aesthetic medicine congresses:
Programs, flyers, advertising,
emailing campaigns, onsite signage
Design & 3D modeling for in-store displays (Luxury goods)
Production & follow-up
Management of the Design department
Visual identities for international
aesthetic medicine congresses:
Programs, flyers, advertising,
emailing campaigns, onsite signage
I LOVE the desert
for challenging adventures, fun and rest under unbelievable skies.
Because I love the city and nature, work and the wild.
Let's get rid of the embarrassing question
"Can you give us your 3 main attributes and 3 main flaws?"
I am not afraid of deadlines,
I just meet them face to face.
No way the deadline was yesterday if there was no brief in the first place.
What I say I do.
My desk is messy because it is a reflection of my zest for life.
But my professional desktop is just the opposite.
I curse only in the heat of passion.